So what is Soyami Soya Chips? Well, they are a healthier alternative to potato chips as they are low in fat, made of all natural ingredients, low in sodium, no MSG and has calcium. It also has more protein than carbs making it easier for you to lose weight.
Since Soyami Soya Chips is made from soy, you can get all the benefits that you get from soy when you eat it. Benefits like prevention of osteoporosis and it also reduces the risk of having breast, colon and prostate cancer.
It is so nice that Active Fun launched a healthier alternative to the usual chips on the market. Ykaie loved the original flavor while I loved the white cheddar. She ate a lot after playing inside Active Fun for almost three hours. I guess she got hungry and tired. I didn't worry because she's eating a healthy snack. I will definitely be on the look out for this on the market come first week of November when it goes out.
Ykaie really had fun playing inside Active Fun for three hours. Check out her fun photos...
swimming in colors
the slides
jumping at the trampoline