I cannot believe its already been three years. There are times when it feels like its been twenty, other times it feels like we've just met because everyday, I fall in-love with you all-over again. I never expected marriage to be this crazy and amazing at the same time. I never expected it would be this full of tears and laughter. I never expected it to be this fattening and dependent....this affectionate....this emotional....this exciting.
Yes, we are apart right now and I miss you but still, you manage to make me fall in love with you all over again every single day. I fall in love with all the things that attracted me to you from the beginning.... those eyes...that smile. I fall in-love with the sweetness and the honesty...those little things like --sweet one sentence messages, a visit to my blog, a surprise call, corny jokes.... those important things like reassurances and love...your values and character...
I fall in love with things I discover along this journey we call marriage....like your constant loyalty and commitment to our life together, your encouragement for my personal growth, and what you do to keep our love alive.
I fall in love with our dreams for the future, the continuation of our journey together, the experiences we've shared and the new experiences we'll be sharing. Most importantly I fall in love with the things we've accomplished, things that wouldn't mean anything if we didn't accomplish them together.
I am so happy I've found my best friend, my shoulder, my strength and my life. You make me so proud with what you do for us. You're amazing and I'm so proud to call you my husband.
Thank you for making me happy the past three years. Thank you for believing in me, for holding me, for changing me, for keeping me grounded, for kissing me and hugging me everyday when we're together.....
for loving me.
I can't wait to see what these next years of marriage holds for us.
I love you so much,my peanutbutter♥.HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.