I am a foodie by heart, a coffee lover and a froyo and yogurt junkie. I am a law enforcer by profession but is now living the peaceful life of a mommy/wife/enterpreneur.
I think I'm pretty friendly, it just takes time before I warm up to people. I love laughing and I cry a lot when watching sad movies.
What's in the THE PEACH KITCHEN ?
Well, The Peach Kitchen is about my adventure in and out of my kitchen. I came from a family of cooks. Not professional cooks, just people who know how to cook good food. I've been tasting and smelling soul food since birth and I wanted to see if I can cook these old recipes myself. This blog is also about discovery. Discovering new recipes which will be a part of the family menu and discovering myself through cooking.
is about early mornings...rainy afternoons...travel...boring days...coffee& desserts...friendships ...my family...life with my husband & my daughter...living,loving,eating...This blog is about my family, life as a mom and as a wife.This is about parenting. This is about my friends.This blog is also about the two most precious beings in my life --Ykaie and peanutbutter♥.
peach and things
A new blog I created to be the home of my Project 365. This is not professional photography, just a way to chronicle my everyday life through a photo. This is also about what I think and what I feel, my personal rants and raves. Who I hate and who I love. This blog will be all about me.What camera do you use?
I started out using whatever camera phone I have at the time so its a little blurry. Then, I switched to Canon Digital Ixus 700 which made my photos better. Now I'm using Canon Rebel XTi, I'm still not used to it, though and still learning how to take really good photos.
Why blog?
I have a passion for writing. I used to always have a notebook and a pen in my bag and I write whenever I think of something, wherever I may be. I also write whenever I'm bored or happy or sad. Then I found blogging by early 2005. Blogging is a way where I can immortalize my thoughts and feelings.
I also have a passion for food. They said that you cannot have your cake and eat it too but I found Food blogging as I way where "I can have my cake and eat it at the same time." Other people collect stamps, other people collect antiques,wines and cars...I collect photos of food I've eaten and made.
Any other things that occupy your free time? Any other interest(s)?
I am kept busy by this small internet café that we own but most of my free time are dedicated to my daughter. I play, sing, eat, watch cartoons, and do all other things with her. I tried raising an Herb Garden but I don't think Herbs like me very much.
I love going out with my sissy and some cousins who are very close to me --to the movies, to the beach, to new restaurants-- and everywhere else.
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